Relevant websites.
Some of these are interactive activities, some are brief topic by topic summaries, some are online books with 100+ pages. You need to look for what you want!
Numeracy games for times tables, addition, division etc - practise these again and again and again until you are really good. Try "Moon Maths" at the bottom of the page!
The banana hunt angles game
NCTM illuminations, including visual fractions, negative numbers, isometric drawing, dynamic paper, balance-pan equations, the factors game, the vector boats game.
WaldoMaths (interactive equation solving and standard form)
MrBarton Maths (maths revision, Youtube songs and links) + his KS3/KS4 maths notes for pupils and Autograph applets
The Khan Academy online lessons on Mathematics (scroll down the page - there are hundreds of them).
PurpleMath (an online Maths book)
Walter Fendt's Java applets (e.g. sine, cos, tan interactive graph).
PHET simulations from the University of Colorado, the online Mathematics magazine.
Jon Stone's MathsHelper website and his Statistics revision sheet
This page on the JustinCraig revision course site has good advice on revision techniques. GCSE Maths pages
CIMT resources including GCSE Maths, GCSE Statistics and A-level
The Mathematics in Engineering and Industry (MEI) site - A-level resources
MathsNetGCSE and MathsNetAlevel (a commercial site, some free stuff but for most you would need to subscribe).
The JustMaths teaching resources (not free!)
from the Maths Inspiration lectures:
Kate Bellingham's website on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
David Acheson and his book 1089 and all that
Rob Eastaway's maths page
Totally irrelevant websites on weird, fun or desperately complicated topics that just might inspire you ("Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!", to paraphrase Shelley); mostly for Further Maths people.
Alex Bellos's web site (mental calculations), also the Flash Anzan Shiritori video (they're adding the on-screen numbers and doing a word association game at the same time)
A virtual slide rule (slide rules were the main way of doing quick calculations in the 300 years before the invention of calculators; for more accurate calculations, people looked up logarithms in log tables). You can buy them on Ebay.
The Babylonian number system (base 60)
- The Mayan number system (base 5 and 20)
- About dozenal (base 12) and a dozenal calculator
Geometry from the Land of the Incas
Dog School's Introduction to Group Theory (see Rubik cube)
If you think complex numbers are "cool" and you wonder if there's anything "beyond complex numbers", have a look at quaternions
The Algorithmic Beauty of the Trebuchet
The Martian calendar programming challenge.
Gapminder World (animated bubble chart of world development)
WalkingRandomly blog
Engineering, science and astronomy
The Fundamental Questions Institute FXQI Community site
How Stuff Works:
- Massive engines videos
- How car engines work
- How Diesel engines work
- Engine balancing - inline, V-6 and V-8 animations
Intellectual Ventures site, shooting down mosquitos with a laser
From Stargazers to Starships, part of David Stern's site.
The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory page about magnets and electricity.
Ars Technica articles on science and technology
The Optical SETI site.
The Kuiper belt.
Fourmilab (by the founder of Autodesk):
- measuring gravity in your cellar
- the "Oh my god" particle
- and the economics of rockets
The Skylon spaceplane project.
Honda's self-balancing unicycle.
Elektor has lots of fun electronics projects including:
- A regenerative valve radio
- Using a photodiode as a radiation detector Hurray! This is for those of you you are going on to do Electronic Engineering. Really you need to be soldering up circuits but this is a good start.
A physicist has calculated the propagation of the WiFi signal through his flat - summary, full blog . Wow!
Interesting Youtube links
The concept of a mode shape is very valuable in the analysis and prediction of vibrations - see vibration modes of a flat plate.
Astronauts playing with a water drop. When you see craters on the Moon and they have a central bump, you know that a droplet has been ejected by the impact and fallen back…just like water drops.