Notes for year 9 set 1, to accompany the 9H book.
These are intended as revision notes to give you an overview of everything you have learnt and help you see it in context.
Michaelmas term:
Part 1: scheme of work, equations and sequences
Part 2: numbers, fractions and proportion
Part 3: Pythagoras, angles, construction, locus
Part 4: mean, median and quartiles
Lent term:
Part 6: area, volume, recurring decimals, standard form, bounds
Part 7: line gradients and trigonometry
Summer term:
Part 10: bearings, transformations, angles in circles, inequalities
Part 11: Pyramids, cones and spheres.
Stick-in sheets:
Long division (PowerPoint)
y=mx+c Geogebra applet
Graphical solution of equations Geogebra applet
Fun with indices (extension)
Solutions to Level 6-8 KS3 tests: