- a cookbook of engineering examples, using Matlab and other languages
This will gradually become an online book of examples (predominantly in mechanics, heat transfer and electronics) showing how to write equations to model physical situations, obtain solutions and then plot the solutions. Using Matlab (mostly) but also SciLab, iPython, Visual Basic, Free Pascal etc.
So far I’ve only written the introduction!
To follow, eventually:
Equations & methods
- Kettle experiment
- Transistor amplifier
- Op-Amp
- Crystal radio & aerial
- Diode design
- Satellite launcher
- Population model
- Antifreeze
- Bags of salt
- Achromatic lenses
- Scripts and functions
- Structures
- Handle graphics
- Documentation
- Pipe insulation
- Lagrange multipliers
Complex numbers
- Phasors
- Balancing
- AC electronics
Ordinary Differential equations:
- Basic formulation
- Simple beam
- Diaphragm
- Tape measure
- Paintbrush
- Solar panel - single & double pass
- Numerical methods: comet, diffusion, Blasius, manifolds
- Bessel functions
- Linked equations (eigenvectors)
Partial Differential Equations
- Concrete floor vibrating
- Temperature distribution through a wall
Matrices & vectors
- Shed roof
- Angle of Sun
- Linked beams
- Curve fitting & Vandermonde
Writing stand-alone applications
- A graphical application for pipe flow
- Reading and writing data files
- Complex numbers
- Visual Basic
- Free Pascal